jeudi 30 décembre 2010

Some screenshots

I am currently working on the battle part but I still took some time for screenshot. More to come soon ...

Chat System

Diplomacy Screen

My First Turn

Lottery Screen

Manager Screen (Buy Planets and units)

Empire Preferences

lundi 27 décembre 2010

Some Updates is down for a week or two. This is due to domain hosting plan renewal from my old ISP which do not own the domain anymore :) It will be back soon but for now you can use

I will post some screenshots really soon (like today or tomorrow) about development. I evaluate the product to be 90% complete. I am still working on battles and covert operations but everything else is completed.

lundi 9 août 2010

Images and Updates

So far, the game development goes well. I am alone on the project but I can spare some hours scattered over the weeks to work on it. What is completed?
  • Administration panel
  • User registration and login
  • Joining a game, resigning from a game
  • Games statistics and browser
Currently working on the main part, doing at least a turn :)
I also removed the CRON requirement.

Created a blog about Solar Imperium 3 development

I created a blog to upload development screenshots and updates for people who are interested in this kind of stuff.